Dream Never Gets Old BAITANG International Work Camp 2015

Dacun Township is situated in middle part of Changhua County, and Baitang Village is located in the south of Dacun Township. There are two famous features in Baitang Village, one is the local agro product – grapes, summer (from June to July) is the peak season. The other is Seniors Orchestra, an ensemble comprised of seniors who are around 75 years old and they really enjoy performance and Flash Mob. Baitang village is an ageing population villiage, but the residents are very friendly, and you can feel the passion from them.

According to the statistic, the proportion of elderly population in Taiwan will be exceed 42% and soon will be one of the super- aged nation. How important to let seniors in Taiwan live happy, safe, and dignified lives in their own homes and communities. Therefore, we hope to bring the elder and the youth closer through elderly-caring and Flash Mob with the Senior Orchestra by this workcamp. You are really welcome to Baitang community to enjoy this hot summer vacation with our HOT elderly by taking part of Baitang International worcamp.

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