
Houpi International Work Camp

A Fountain of Youth! Let’s Work And Feel Fun In Houpi!


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  According to the statistic the elderly population in Taiwan will be exceed 42% andsoon we will be one of the super- aged nation. Hondao Senior Citizen Welfare Foundation (Hondao) was founded in 1995 and aims to let seniors in Taiwan live happy, safe, and dignified lives in their own homes and communities. Its programs center around three core values: Filial Piety, Community Care, and Dream Never Gets Old.

  In order to make more young people concern about the issue of elderly in Taiwan, Hondao and Houpi Community would like to deliver a warm welcome to youth from all over the world to Taiwan and participate into Houpi community as an International Work Camp.






Project Aims

1. Collaborate with a college on community building project by using the driftwood to beautify the environment.

2. Let the volunteers wear the Aging Simulation experience the feeling of sensory perceptions that elders may have, to feel empathy and care about the needs of elders.

3. Hold or participate some activities and exchange different culture events, to deepen the friendship and understanding among the volunteers and the residents.



Works Content

1. Community Service: we will decorate the community space by using local driftwood, and we will help the resident to clean the beach.


 (1) 社區漂流木佈置:結合社區特有的漂流木,佈置美化長輩的活動場所,由宜蘭在地的工匠師傅指導,協助青年志工與在地居民一起工作。 


 (2) 沙灘清理:期待藉由青年志工的服務帶動社區居民一起來淨灘,將社區鄰近的海灘恢復當初乾淨美好的海灘。


2. Elders Care: we will care the elders by chat with the elders and clean their house, and let the volunteer wear the Aging Simulation to know more about the elders.


 (1) Ibon彭祖體驗:與7-11門市合作,透過彭祖裝備讓志工與長輩一起體驗活動,進而達到認識老化,同理長輩的身心狀況。


 (2) 不老棒球:透過參與銀髮長者的不老棒球交流,讓青年志工認識不一樣的長者。


 (3) 長者服務:透過孝親洗腳、長輩大掃除活動,使青年志工與長輩有近距離的互動,體會長者服務的重要性。


 (4) 關懷訪視:藉由拜訪社區內獨居弱勢的長輩,由青年志工設計如陪伴說話、慶生會等關懷訪視計畫,讓長輩感受到被重視的溫暖。


3. Culture Exchange: we will experience the local life like beach seine or peanut harvesting, and we may have a food carnival or culture night party to experience different cultures.


 (1) 牽罟、花生採收:體驗後埤社區傳統的捕魚方式,以及體驗社區開心農場的花生採收,讓青年志工更加認識社區的歷史與生活樣貌。


 (2) 國際文化之夜、感謝晚會:由青年志工主辦,準備美食、設計活動、表演、介紹自己國家,並邀請長輩、居民一起交流、同樂。



Project Date

From 06th July (Monday) to 20th July (Monday)



Houpi Village of Yilan County   see the map

 ( Lane 267, Section 2, Zhuangbin Rd, Zhuangwei Township Yilan County )  


Information of Introduction and Interview

Date: 6/6(Sat)

Place: 宜蘭社區照顧服務中心 (宜蘭縣五結鄉中正路二段7巷5號)

Contact: Raina     0972-192-401





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